MyAnimeList Tools

I use the below bookmarklet to help maintain my list on (I use it in FireFox so I don't know if it works elsewhere.)

I periodically use this to add information to anime that I have added to my list since the last time I ran it.

Cover CSS Generator and Tag Updater

It generates one line of CSS per anime to add covers to your list based on a template. It will not re-process an anime that already has a style (existing styles must manually be copied to the top textarea). It will remove styles for anime no longer on your list, and add missing ones.

It can add an anime's English title (or first synonym), season, year, studios, and genres to the end of the Tags. It checks for existing tags and re-writes them to the end. It uses the same method to update the as the inline textarea on MAL (although without the javscript bugs, the server side backslash bug is still a problem). It does NOT handle special characters at this time, but they are rarely used anyways.

It might work on the manga list as well, but hasn't been tested.

All of the input elements have tooltips to let you know what they are for.


Anime ID
Anime cover image URL
Small anime cover image URL
Very small anime cover image URL
Anime title
English anime title
Anime genres comma separated
Anime theme comma separated
Anime demographic comma separated
Anime studios comma separated
Anime producers comma separated
Season airing started
Year airing started
Current anime rank
Current anime score
Airing start date
Airing end date
Anime synopsis
Nothing, it get's deleted (for preventing closing comments "*/" from breaking the header comment in the output)


Modify the templates and other constants at the top to setup your bookmarklet for your what your list needs.

The default is setup for my list. A more common template is: "#more[ID] { background-image: url([IMGURL]); }"

To use, create a bookmark and copy/paste the following script content into the location. When on your list, click the bookmark to activate the tool.


I know it's not pretty, but it gets the job done. Blame MAL's awful markup for this.

Change Log

Fix for theme and demographic.
Fix for apostrophe.
Fix for changes to genres and images.
Tags AJAX switched to POST with csrf_token and new headers.
Added ability to check if images are valid.
Fixed crash if tags are not shown on list.
Fixed 'undefined' reference error when score is 'N/A'.
Errors are now logged to console and counted to avoid alert popup spam when MAL isn't behaving.
Added replacements for [STUDIOS], [PRODUCERS], [SEASON], [YEAR] for CSS generation.
MAL moved studio to it's own category, so a separate option for Studio has been added for tags. Fixed a bug when there is no finished airing date.
Fixed removal of trailing white space. Added options to include Aired, Score, and Rank in tags.
Added CSS generation replacements for [ENGTITLE], [GENRES], [RANK], [SCORE], [STARTDATE], [ENDDATE]
Fixed again because MAL changed the cover image markup and swapped the span-anchor elements for genres.
Fix because MAL wrapped genres in a span.
Fix because of MAL's streaming banner.
Added constants to the top to make it easier to set custom defaults
Added [IMGURLT], [IMGURLV], and [DEL] replacements
Match Template so custom cover CSS lines can be matched
Delay setting instead of being hard-coded
Added Synopsis to CSS generation of MAL List Tool
Added a separate checkbox to enable/disable updating of tags
Removed separate CSS and genre tag scripts (MAL List Tool does them both)
Modified MAL List Tool to output to a textarea to make copy-paste easier
Combined CSS generation and tag updater into a single script "MAL List Tool"
Initial release of separate scripts for CSS generation and genre tags updater